Myrtle Beach CWP Classes & Training

Train with experts.

Weapons Training

We offer the South Carolina Concealed Weapons Permit course as well as the NRA Basic Pistol Course. We will also customize a lesson that meets your specific needs. We have classes available for men and women, ranging from the experienced shooter to “I’ve never shot a gun in my life.” Couples and groups are welcome and encouraged! Check us out on our website or Facebook page for scheduled training classes or email to have a class specifically designed for you.

CWP Classes

The South Carolina Concealed Weapons Course from Myrtle Beach Guns is not a giant lecture designed to bore the students until they can no longer keep their heads up. It is an engaging forum involving the use of deadly force, castle doctrine, the alter ego rule, and how you are and are not protected by the concealed weapons permit. We will discuss different types of weapons as well as handling and procedures. With the recent spike in concealed weapons permit applications; we realized that not every applicant for a South Carolina Concealed Weapons Permit has a great deal of firearms experience. In fact, a good portion of applicants have no experience at all. After the state mandated 50-question test, we will conduct a live-fire qualification to build upon the fundamentals you were taught in class. The live-fire qualification consists of multiple sequences from different distances up to 15 yards. At Myrtle Beach Guns, we have designed our course around confident, safe, and responsible handling of firearms for the entry-level shooter. We want to make sure every student that takes our course has the confidence, and the knowledge to protect themselves.

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